Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thank You for Your Concern....

                              Yes , Stacey has had a few "rough" days....
But today when I looked at my E-Mail,... there were over half a dozen of you good folks who were actually concerned about Stacey's well being ... That is what really lifted our spirits... Thank you all so very much...
I tip my hat to you all...
Still not up to par....but your comments went a long way for making me think better of the human race in general....!!!
                       For the sake of you all I will try to get through all this "mess"...
             Thank you for restoring at least some of my belief in the goodness of people.....

The Blackening Heart...

due to the things that I found out last night... I think much less of "humans" now.... and "so-called Friends"
These facts that have heard from one of my "information gatherers" the things that my "Friends" were saying to others... more than a few of these "Friends" are scared of Stacey ... just because I am Crazy...
Maybe I do Not need any "Friends".... Don't worry ...I will not let them know that I was told the bad things that they have been saying.   So I will keep on letting them think that I do not know what they have told others about me...

Things can Always Get Worse...

any hope of a "smile" left me for now... Misery is most likely to be with me for quite some time....
Whatever "hopes" that I had ( on anything and everything) are now "crushed.... and happiness in my foreseeable Future looks bleak indeed... Mabe my illness will be merciful and then I die....
 This way Stacey will not have too long to suffer...
                            With any luck Stacey will be no more in a few months at the most....
I would like to thank all of the followers of the "Crypt" and all the others who have viewed this blog ... my best wishes to you all...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


                  I have a couple of friends ( with some rather Bad situations...)

                      One I am very worried over his current "State of mind...He is not doing well and I have watched him sink Much lower over the last couple of weeks.... and there is Nothing that I can do....
 people can get away with doing "bad" things to Stacey.... but I take REAL Offense at them doing so to the few people about whom I actually think well of...   I do Not Know what to do ...
                           This is really making us miserable... and leaves me feeling "helpless"

More Evil Snowmen...

                                  Here are a couple of "disturbing" snowmen...
Apparently  built in a graveyard...    

Rude Neighbors.....

I was raised believing that neighbors are to watch out for and help (if needed) My neighbors ...
Apparently that belief is seldom shared by others ... tis truly sad indeed... most Humans are self-centered pieces of crap these days...

                But as I said ...I do not really care about them ... but I do like their dogs...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Appoligised to My Neighbor....

                             Yes dear Kiddies ...I threatened a "Big Bad" last night....
 The having been given a the fact tat he was to pay me $10.oo yesterday ( for use of my garbage pick up.. which is abuot $40.oo per month ...  only charge him $10..   Not  a lot ... but the extra cash helps a Lot...
 My dad (the locksmith is fixing a lock on my trash can Tomorrow... ..Later I spoke with him and he said that he would have my $10.00 in a bit ...)
I also told him that if he wishes to continue using my trash He will pay me at the first of each month , instead of giving money at the end of the month.... ( which he gives me the "runaround....the money at  each end of the Month.... ) I am totally broke at present...   I felt that I owed him an apology for threatening to have him and the neighbor "evicted" by the owners of these two house... (and I can Too)

Thought for the Day....

                                          See, God does have a sense of humor
                               I guess He does enjoy a good laugh every now and then....

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hello Again....

Just sitting here looking at my Dr. Phibes Figures....

Still have Posting problems... Sorry about that...       

Good Evening...

                             Hello ....  a a great Sunday evening to you all....
Been watching a few things on You Tube and going over the posts of many blogs....
Quite a bit of Horror viewing over this weekend ,... far Too cold to get much of anything accomplished...
And.... it still will Not allow me to post my saved images... I can only "copy image"... working with "Windows 7" may be a part of my problems .... over an hour to De-fragment the computer earlier....  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Morningside Mortuary.....

                      Still trying to find a way to post what I want to.... frustrating...
  Things at Morningside Mortuary have been rather quite...

                                       The Tall Man sends his regards ....
I had to go through over 7000 images just to assemble this post ... very time consuming method of posting though... and more than a bit "irritating"....  Still ...We are trying...
                                           Just to find these images took a while...

800 Views Here Yesterday...!!!

     Thank you good viewers .... this is a record for the "Crypt"....!!!

Found a Way Around the Posting of Pics ....



Peter Cushing reading a monster magazinePCASUK

Looks creeped out
                                           Later Kiddies...

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Cold Day in Hell...

                             Looks like I don't get to build a snowman here....
                 Just a few miles north of here has been getting snow and later "mix" ....
Judging by current radar, we are about to receive A "Nasty Ice-Storm" any time now....
I would have liked to have seen him emerge from a melting snowman in my front yard....
                                      So far just very cold.......

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Call for "Jack-o-Lanterns".....

                        found a way to post images found through "Picasa" ...
At "Justine's Halloween" Blog... she is starting a New Blog and needs people to send her photos of your Carved Pumpkins and "Jack-o-Lanterns"....!!!!

Trying to Find Pics to Post....

               "Regurgitating" up previously used images from my "Picasa" web folders....
                             Going through a "sea" of images... (around 10,000)
     a cold and windy day here Kiddies  ... Tomorrow comes our first "winter Storm"....!!!
                 We seldom ever get much of any snow... normally just ice-storms....
Too bad ... I would like to place my plastic skeleton inside of a snowman and watch  its progress of melting ...

  I did so a bit over ten years ago using a "cheap" plastic skeleton and an old "corpse" mask....
A lot of people would slow down to better look at it as the skeletal body began to emerge from  inside of the snowman....

Kind to Animals...


                                       Let's see just how loyal a hungry dog is....

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


                                                          A bit of a headache...
Trying to put together a post with no idea of what to do with the limits "posting" of images ...and No posting of links to "YouTube"... ...

More Godzilla....

                                   A couple of great behind the scenes pics of Godzilla...
                                                        He fought the Monster Megalon....
                                                    The great Godzilla....!!!!
even famous in Germany...!!
 He Fought the Bionic Monster.... ( Name changed over threats of a lawsuit by the maker's of the" Six Million Dollar Man"  ...changed to the "Cosmic Monster" aka Mecha-Godzilla )
                                     The King of the Monsters himself....